Can Keto Chinese Food Make You Fat? Simple Guide

Hey there, fellow foodies! Have you ever tried to stick to a keto diet but found yourself craving Chinese food? Trust me, I’ve been there.

It can be hard to resist the delicious flavors of sesame chicken or beef and broccoli, but we all know that those dishes are usually loaded with carbs and sugar.

So, can keto Chinese food (1) make you fat? Let’s dive in and find out!

First off, let’s talk about what makes a dish keto-friendly.

Essentially, a keto diet is focused on high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb foods.

That means we want dishes that are full of healthy fats like avocado oil or coconut milk and low in carbs like rice or noodles.

Sounds easy enough, right? Well, when it comes to Chinese food, things can get a bit tricky.

But fear not! With this simple guide, I’ll show you how to enjoy all your favorite Chinese flavors without sacrificing your keto goals.

So grab some chopsticks and let’s dig in!


Can keto Chinese food make you fat?

It is possible to enjoy keto-friendly Chinese food without derailing your weight loss goals, but it’s important to be mindful of hidden carbs and stick to nutrient-dense, low-carb options.

Understanding The Basics Of Keto Chinese Food

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Source: James Pattinson

Let’s get one thing straight: eating Chinese food on a keto diet does not have to make you fat.

That’s just a myth.

It’s all about choosing the right dishes and ingredients that fit within your macros.

Think of it like building your stir-fry masterpiece – you get to choose what goes in it!

Now, I know what you’re thinking – isn’t Chinese food loaded with carbs? Not necessarily! Traditional Chinese cuisine is quite balanced and can include plenty of low-carb options like veggies, protein-rich meats, and healthy fats.

It’s all about avoiding the dishes that are heavy on noodles, rice, and sugary sauces (sorry General Tso’s Chicken).

So don’t be afraid to indulge in some delicious keto-friendly Chinese food – just keep reading for some tips on what to look for when ordering.

What To Look For When Ordering Chinese Food On A Keto Diet

Now that we’ve got the basics down, it’s time to dive into what to look for when ordering Chinese food on a keto diet (2).

As someone who loves Chinese food, I know it can be tough to navigate all the different options and stay true to your low-carb lifestyle.

But fear not, because, with a little bit of knowledge and some smart choices, you can still enjoy all your favorite dishes without derailing your progress.

First things first: skip the rice and noodles.

These are obvious carb bombs that will quickly kick you out of ketosis.

Instead, focus on protein and veggies.

Look for dishes that feature meat or seafood as the main ingredient, like beef and broccoli or shrimp stir-fry.

And don’t be afraid to ask for extra veggies instead of rice or noodles – most restaurants are happy to accommodate special requests.

Here are a few more tips to keep in mind:

– Choose sauces wisely – go for options like garlic sauce or Szechuan sauce instead of sweet and sour or hoisin.

– Watch out for hidden carbs – some dishes may contain added sugar or cornstarch.

– Be mindful of portion sizes – Chinese food is notorious for its huge portions, so consider splitting an entrée with a friend or taking leftovers home.

– Don’t forget about appetizers – egg drop soup, hot and sour soup, and steamed dumplings are all great keto-friendly options.

With these guidelines in mind, you’ll be able to confidently order Chinese food while staying on track with your keto goals.

But before we get into specific dishes, let’s talk about the best and worst types of Chinese food for low-carb eaters overall.

Best And Worst Keto-Friendly Chinese Foods

Can Keto Chinese Food Make You Fat

When it comes to Chinese food, some dishes can be a keto dieter’s best friend, while others can be their worst enemy.

Choosing the right dishes is key to staying on track with your low-carb lifestyle.

It’s like trying to navigate through a minefield – one wrong step and BOOM! You’re kicked out of ketosis.

The best keto-friendly Chinese foods are those that are high in protein and healthy fats, but low in carbs.

Some of my personal favorites include hot and sour soup, moo shu pork without the pancakes, sautéed green beans with minced pork, and steamed fish with ginger and scallions.

On the other hand, avoid dishes like General Tso’s chicken or sweet and sour pork as they are loaded with sugar and carbs.

Now let’s dive deeper into how you can avoid hidden carbs in Chinese food.

More on can keto Chinese food make you lose weight.

How To Avoid Hidden Carbs In Chinese Food

Now that we know the best and worst keto-friendly Chinese foods, it’s time to talk about how to avoid hidden carbs in Chinese food.

It’s important to remember that just because a dish seems low-carb, doesn’t mean it is.

Many sauces and marinades contain added sugars and starches, which can quickly add up in carb count.

One way to avoid hidden carbs is by ordering dishes that are steamed or stir-fried without any sauce or breading.

This allows you to control the amount of added sugars and starches.

Another tip is to ask for sauce on the side, so you can use it sparingly or not at all.

And don’t forget about vegetables! They are a great low-carb option and can be ordered steamed or stir-fried with minimal sauce.

By being mindful of your choices and asking questions about ingredients, you can enjoy Chinese food while staying on track with your keto diet.

Now, let’s get into some tips for staying on track with your keto diet while enjoying Chinese food.

It can be tempting to indulge in high-carb options like fried rice or noodles, but there are plenty of delicious and low-carb alternatives available.

One option is cauliflower rice, which has a similar texture to rice but is much lower in carbs.

Another option is zucchini noodles (also known as zoodles), which can replace traditional noodles in dishes like lo mein or chow mein.

And don’t forget about protein – ordering dishes with lean meats like chicken or shrimp can help keep your carb count low while still satisfying your hunger cravings.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to enjoy all the flavors of Chinese cuisine without compromising your keto goals.

More on can keto Chinese food make you sick.

Tips For Staying On Track With Your Keto Diet While Enjoying Chinese Food

Picture this: you’re sitting in your favorite Chinese restaurant, surrounded by the savory aromas of sizzling meats and stir-fried veggies.

Your stomach rumbles as you peruse the menu, wondering how you can stick to your keto diet while still enjoying all of these delicious flavors.

Well, fear not my fellow foodies, because I’ve got some tips for staying on track with your keto diet while indulging in some scrumptious Chinese cuisine.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that not all Chinese dishes are created equal when it comes to their carb content.

Stick to dishes that are heavy on protein and veggies and light on rice and noodles.

Opt for steamed or stir-fried dishes instead of deep-fried options.

And don’t be afraid to ask your server for modifications, like swapping out sauces or requesting extra veggies.

With these simple tricks up your sleeve, you can enjoy a satisfying meal without sacrificing your progress toward ketosis.

So next time you find yourself craving some Chinese food, don’t fret about falling off the keto wagon.

With a little bit of mindfulness and creativity, you can stay on track while still indulging in all of those mouth-watering flavors.

Happy eating!


So there you have it, fellow foodies! Keto Chinese food can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how you approach it.

Remember to keep an eye out for hidden carbs and choose the right dishes that are high in protein and low in carbs.

It’s like finding the perfect chopstick: once you find it, everything falls into place.

Just like a fortune cookie, the key to enjoying keto Chinese food without gaining weight is balance.

Don’t deprive yourself of the delicious flavors and aromas that come with Chinese cuisine, but also don’t go overboard with carb-heavy dishes.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to indulge in your favorite Chinese dishes guilt-free while still staying on track with your keto diet.

So go ahead and dig into that General Tso’s chicken – because now you know how to make it work for your waistline!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it true that most Chinese dishes are high in carbohydrates?

You might have heard that most Chinese dishes are high in carbohydrates, but is that true? Let’s break it down.

Many Chinese dishes are indeed made with ingredients like rice, noodles, and dumplings, which are all high in carbs.

However, not all Chinese dishes are created equal.

There are plenty of Chinese dishes that are low in carbs and high in protein.

For example, stir-fries with lots of veggies and lean proteins like chicken or shrimp can be a great option for those watching their carb intake.

Dishes flavored with soy sauce, vinegar, or chili paste are also low in carbs.

Just be sure to avoid dishes with sweet sauces or added sugar, as these can be high in carbs.

So while it’s true that some Chinese dishes are high in carbs, it’s not true that all Chinese dishes are.

With a little bit of knowledge and some creativity, you can enjoy delicious Chinese food while still sticking to your dietary goals.

How can I tell if a Chinese dish is keto-friendly?

If you’re on a keto diet, you might be wondering how you can tell if a Chinese dish is keto-friendly.

Here are a few tips to help you out.

First up, look for dishes that are high in protein and low in carbs.

This includes dishes like stir-fries with lots of veggies and lean proteins like chicken or shrimp.

Avoid dishes with lots of rice, noodles, or sweet sauces, as these are all high in carbs.

Next, pay attention to the sauces.

Many Chinese dishes are flavored with sauces that are high in sugar and carbs.

Look for dishes that are flavored with soy sauce, vinegar, or chili paste, as these are all low in carbs.

You can also ask for the sauce on the side, so you can control how much you consume.

Finally, ask the server for recommendations.

They might be able to suggest dishes that are lower in carbs or make modifications to dishes to make them more keto-friendly.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and be specific about your dietary needs.

So there you have it, foodie! With a little bit of knowledge and some creativity, you can enjoy delicious Chinese food while sticking to your keto diet.

Give it a try and see how delicious keto Chinese food can be!

Can I still enjoy some of my favorite Chinese dishes on a keto diet?

If you’re on a keto diet, you might be wondering if you can still enjoy some of your favorite Chinese dishes.

The good news is that you can! With a few tweaks and modifications, you can still satisfy your cravings while staying true to your diet.

First up, let’s talk about rice.

Unfortunately, rice is a big no-no on a keto diet as it is high in carbs.

But don’t worry, you can still enjoy some of your favorite rice dishes.

Just ask for extra veggies instead of rice.

For example, if you love fried rice, ask for a veggie stir-fry with the same seasonings as fried rice.

It might not be the same, but it will still be delicious.

Next up, let’s talk about sauces.

Chinese dishes are known for their rich and flavorful sauces, but many of them are high in sugar and carbs.

To stay true to your keto diet, you’ll want to look for dishes that are flavored with soy sauce, vinegar, and chili paste, which are all low in carbs.

You can also ask for the sauce on the side, so you can control how much you consume.

Finally, let’s talk about protein.

Chinese cuisine is known for its delicious meats, but some cuts are higher in fat than others.

To stay true to your keto diet, opt for leaner cuts of meat like chicken breast or shrimp.

You can also swap out the protein in some dishes for tofu or tempeh, which are both high in protein and low in carbs.

So there you have it, foodie! You can still enjoy some of your favorite Chinese dishes on a keto diet.

With a few modifications and some creativity, you can satisfy your cravings while staying true to your diet.

Give it a try and see how delicious keto Chinese food can be!



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