Easily Reduce Your Sodium Intake with Low Sodium Vegetable Stir Fry Sauce

low sodium vegetable stir fry sauce

According to Chef Laurent, flavors can be brought to new heights without relying on salt. 

I’m continuously experimenting with healthy cooking techniques. 

Keep reading to discover my favorite methods for replicating restaurant-quality Asian stir fries using strategic combinations of fresh ingredients. 

You’ll learn how to satisfy your cravings without sodium compromise. The secrets revealed will have you challenging what’s possible for balanced meals.

Key Takeaways

This recipe shared provides a delicious homemade low sodium vegetable stir fry sauce that uses fresh garlic, ginger and herbs to create flavor without added salt, allowing those following a reduced sodium diet to enjoy healthy, restaurant-quality meals.

How to Make a Low Sodium Vegetable Stir Fry Sauce

Choosing Fresh Ingredients

When making any homemade sauce, the fresher the ingredients, the better the flavors will be. For a low sodium stir fry sauce, seek out fresh garlic, ginger and herbs from the grocery store or local farmer’s market. The potent flavors of these ingredients allow you to season the sauce without added salt.

Sauce Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar – Adds brightness while cutting the need for salt
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce or tamari – Imparts savory umami flavors
  • 1 tbsp minced fresh ginger – Fresh ginger’s spicy bite stands in for salt
  • 2 cloves minced garlic – Garlic adds depth without the sodium of table salt
  • 1 tsp sesame oil – Brings nutty richness to the sauce
  • 1/2 cup water – Thins out the sauce for easy coating of vegetables


  1. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Once boiling, reduce heat and let simmer for 5 minutes to allow flavors to blend nicely.
  3. The simmering time lets the sauce flavors meld together so you don’t need added salt.
  4. Test the sauce and add more rice vinegar, ginger or garlic if desired for balanced flavor.
  5. Drizzle sauce over stir fried vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli and carrots for dinner.

YouTube video

Credit : Chef McNamara

Tips for Reducing Sodium in Other Stir Fry Sauces

Making small swaps is an easy way to lower the sodium in stir fry sauces while keeping big flavor. Here are some of my tried-and-true tips:

Use Soy Sauce Substitutes

  • Coconut aminos: Made from fermented coconut sap, it has a soy-like taste with one-third less sodium.
  • Liquid aminos: Made from fermented soybeans, it has a deeper, richer flavor than soy sauce but 30% less salt.

Seek Out Salt-Free Varieties

  • Ketchup: many brands offer no-salt-added varieties
  • Tomato paste: salt-free versions let you control seasoning

Season Smartly

  • Garlic and ginger: adds spicy depth in place of table salt
  • Rice vinegar: balances flavors better than extra sodium

Go Light on Condiments

  • Fish sauce: a little packs tons of umami taste
  • Hot sauces: pick milder varieties or use just a few dashes

Simmer for More Flavor

  • Let sauces simmer 5-10 mins: allows ingredients to meld flavors without salt
IngredientSodium AmountSodium-Saving Swap
Soy Sauce900-1200 mg/tbspCoconut Aminos (350 mg/tbsp) or Liquid Aminos (700 mg/tbsp)
Ketchup160-290 mg/tbspNo-Salt-Added Ketchup (40-90 mg/tbsp)
Canned Soup800-1200 mg/cupHomemade soup w/ no added salt

With some simple swaps like these, you can shave lots of sodium off stir fry sauces while keeping big taste. A little effort goes a long way to creating hearty, healthy favorites.

Health Benefits from Low Sodium Vegetable Stir Fry Sauce

low sodium vegetable stir fry sauce

Homemade stir fry sauces with less salt are much better for your health. Here are some key advantages:

  • Heart Health – Lower sodium means less strain on your heart. Exceeding 2300mg/day raises blood pressure risks (1).
  • Hydration – Cutting back on salt stops your body retaining excess water, helping maintain fluid balance.
  • Blood Pressure -The DASH diet emphasizes low-sodium options like this sauce, proven to lower high BP (2).
  • Weight Maintenance – Sodium retention can skew the scale. Go sans-salt for accurate weight readings.
  • Overall Wellness – Fiber-filled veggies, antioxidants and heart-healthy fats shine in homemade sauces.
  • Potassium Balance – Gets boosted via spinach, sweet potatoes, which pairs with sodium for heart benefits (3).
NutrientRecommended Daily IntakeReasons
SodiumLess than 2300mgToo much linked to higher BP and heart issues.
Potassium3500mgCounters sodium, found in potatoes, bananas, avocado.
Fiber25-30gSupports digestion and heart health from beans, oats, veggies.

Making small changes like using my low-sodium sauce offers big health upgrades. Your whole body will feel the difference!


Well friends, I hope y’all learned a thing or two about spicin’ up your cookin’ with the magic of fresh herbs and tasty seasonings! As someone who’s passionate about experimentin’ in the kitchen, sharin’ flavor secrets is one of my favorites things to do. 

Whether you keep essential basics stocked for any dish, combine flavors like a pro, or grow your own little harvest, I guarantee your meals will be the tastiest around. Don’t be afraid to get creative too – findin’ new combinations is half the fun of cookin’ at home. 

Just remember to store your herbs and spices properly so they stay as bright and lively as can be. With the right mix of flavors and a bit of creativity, you’ll have folks RAVIN’ about your food in no time. 

Now I’d love to hear – have y’all tried any of these trendy seasonings I mentioned? Let me know your new faves in the comments! Keep on cookin’ up deliciousness, friends.


  1. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-does-salt-affect-heart-health
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/dash-diet/art-20048456
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-loaded-with-potassium

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