An Easy Low Sodium Stir Fry Recipe You’ll Want on Repeat: Flavor Without the Sodium

low sodium stir fry recipe

According to Chef John, low sodium stir fries are simple to make delicious meals. “With some clever seasoning substitutions, you can cut back on salt without sacrificing flavor,”.

Making tasty low sodium stir fries is easier than you think. With the right technique and ingredients, you can enjoy all the satisfaction of your favorite stir fried dishes without excessive sodium. 

This guide shares secrets for creating mouthwatering beef and vegetable stir fries that are high in flavor and nutrition yet lower in sodium. 

You’ll be amazed at how bold natural seasonings can make up for less salt.

Key Takeaway

A low sodium stir fry uses fresh vegetables like carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, cabbage, bean sprouts or snow peas that are stir fried in a wok or large skillet. By avoiding salt and high sodium ingredients like soy sauce and using spices, garlic, ginger and citrus juices like lime for flavor, you can make a tasty, healthy stir fry meal that is low in sodium.

How to Make a Low Sodium Beef Stir Fry

Growing up, stir fries were one of the easiest and most popular weekly meals at my house. Filled with fresh vegetables and proteins, a hot stir fry always hit the spot after a long day. 

However, as my family watched our sodium intake, traditional stir fry sauces were often too high in salt. This is where my homemade stir fry sauce recipe came in handy. 


  • 1 pound lean beef sirloin, sliced thinly against the grain
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 bunch bok choy, sliced
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 3 cups broccoli florets
  • 5 or 6 green onions, sliced
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1⁄2 cup water
  • 1⁄4 cup homemade stir fry sauce (see recipe below)


  • 1⁄4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar or white wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon garlic, minced
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes


  1. Toss beef with cornstarch in a bowl until coated. Set aside.
  2. Make the stir fry sauce by whisking all ingredients together in a small bowl or measuring cup. Set aside.
  3. Heat oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat. When hot, add beef in a single layer. Cook undisturbed for 1 minute to brown. Stir and continue cooking until no longer pink, about 2-3 more minutes. Transfer beef to a plate.
  4. Add the bok choy, mushrooms, bell pepper and 1⁄4 cup water to the skillet. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until vegetables begin to soften.
  5. Return beef to the skillet along with the broccoli and green onions. Cook for 2 more minutes.
  6. Stir in the garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes. Cook for 30 seconds until fragrant.
  7. Pour in the homemade stir fry sauce and 1⁄4 cup water. Toss to coat and cook 1 more minute until broccoli is crisp-tender.

Enjoy your delicious healthy, gluten free, and low sodium beef stir fry! This homemade stir fry sauce recipe makes it full of flavor despite being light on salt. Fresh ginger and garlic really shine through. 

Feel free to adjust the red pepper flakes to your taste preference for more or less heat. This healthy stir fry and versatile stir fry sauce can also be used with chicken, tofu or vegetables. It’s a quick, easy and satisfying weeknight meal the whole family will love!
Credit : The Unsalted Kitchen

Benefits of a Low Sodium Stir Fry

When making stir fries at home, it’s tempting to reach for store-bought sauces high in sodium. But grabbing the salt shaker isn’t good for your health in the long run. 

Too much sodium can raise blood pressure over time, putting extra strain on your heart. By making your own stir fry sauce, you control what goes into it. 

Mine simply uses healthy beef, low sodium soy sauce, bok choy and a vegetable or low sodium beef broth. This allows all the natural flavors to shine through while keeping sodium in check. The result is a dish that’s just as crave-worthy but way better for you.

Main Benefits of Eating Low Sodium Stir Fries:

Enjoying healthy, home-cooked stir fries packed with stir fry vegetables has given me years of vitality. Their varied textures and bright flavors continue satisfying like comfort food. The beef stir fry recipe is so versatile, allowing different proteins and veggies to take center stage with each new creation.

  • Improves heart health by lowering blood pressure. The beef stir fry recipe contains less than 500mg of sodium which is the daily recommended limit (1).
  • Fills you up with fiber-rich veggies like bok choy, mushrooms, bell peppers and broccoli while keeping calories low through lean protein. This healthy cooking method promotes weight management (2).
  • Packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from the variety of stir fry vegetables. You get nutrition from every component.
  • Delivers satisfaction through complex flavors and layers of crunchiness without added fat, sugar or excess sodium compared to processed meals.
  • Saves time with a quick cooking method that retains nutrients better than boiling. All elements are cooked perfectly in under 30 minutes.
  • Flexible cooking technique adaptable to various whole foods. Change up your veggies and proteins for new meals every time.

Nutritional Breakdown of the Low Sodium Beef Stir Fry:

Getting all the nutrients we need has never felt so fulfilling as around the family stir fry. Developing healthy recipes through trial and error taught valuable lessons while fueling the body. 

An easy, healthy stir fry sauce brings it all together beautifully. May these shared dinner experiences and memories strengthen our bonds for many years to come.

Protein25g50%Builds/repairs tissues, organs and muscle
Fiber5g20%Supports digestive health, fills you up
Vitamin C80mg135%Boosts immune health, collagen production
Vitamin A500mcg100%Supports vision, immune function
Calcium250mg25%Bone and teeth health
Iron4mg25%Carries oxygen in blood, makes hormones
Sodium350mg15%Supports nerve and muscle function

Tips for an Even Lower Sodium Meal

When it comes to cooking nourishing, low sodium meals at home, you have more control than you realize. The tasty stir fry I shared earlier can be made even better for your health with a few extra tips. 

Broccoli is a terrific stir fry veggie but I rinse broccoli florets from the bag to wash away excess pre-sauce ingredients. I also switch to fresh ginger and garlic instead of the jarred types, using just a teaspoon of each for big flavor impact. 

And vegetable broth takes the place of beef broth in my healthy homemade stir fry sauce. With small changes like these, it’s still easy to create satisfying, heart-healthy stir fries your whole family comes back for more of.

low sodium stir fry recipe

Easy Swaps to Reduce Sodium Further:

Discovering alternatives to regular ingredients I loved was exciting. Bright new flavors emerged without excess sodium.

  • Use chicken broth instead of regular broth in cooking. Low sodium chicken broth has significantly less sodium than the full sodium kind.
  • Substitute rice vinegar for white vinegar in salad dressings and marinades. Rice vinegar has a mellower flavor with no salt.
  • Replace regular soy sauce with low sodium soy sauce, which has approximately half the sodium at 50mg per tablespoon.
  • Use coconut aminos in place of soy sauce. Made from coconut sap, it has a similar flavor with only 5mg of sodium per tablespoon.
  • Add extra sesame oil or chili oil which are both sodium-free but add bold taste to dishes like bok choy stir fry.
  • Select fresh or frozen healthy chicken or veggies without added sodium sauces or brines. Read labels to compare sodium content.

Benefits of Further Sodium Reduction:

Seeing first-hand how slight adjustments enhanced longevity motivated continual refinement. May this knowledge help many enjoy their food thoroughly while caring for well-being.

Reducing sodium intake even below recommended daily limits of 2300mg may result in additional cardiovascular benefits like lower blood pressure for those with existing heart conditions (2). The tips above shave hundreds of milligrams off typical Chinese stir fries and other healthy meals.


What tips make a chicken stir fry healthy?

Use small pieces of skinless chicken breast and a small amount of toasted sesame oil. Prep veggies ahead of time for quick cooking.Serve over brown rice.

How do I select ingredients for a vegetable stir fry?

Choose fresh veggies like broccoli, red bell pepper, snap peas, carrots and cabbage. They hold up well to stir frying and provide fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What protein goes well with vegetable stir fry?

Lean chicken or beef works great. Cut boneless skinless chicken breasts or flank steak into thin strips to stir fry with your favorite veggies for a complete meal.

What sauce adds flavor to a chicken and vegetable stir fry?

A homemade stir fry sauce made with reduced sodium soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic, ginger and crushed red pepper flakes. Or use chicken broth or stock for extra moisture and flavor.

What cooking methods work for stir frying?

Stir frying in a small amount of oil like toasted sesame oil over high heat in a skillet or wok. This sears the protein and veggies quickly, retaining nutrients and flavors.

What cooking tools are needed for stir fry?

A large skillet or wok, wooden spoons or spatulas for continuous stirring. Having minced garlic, grated ginger and pre-chopped veggies also makes stir frying easy and fast.

Can I make large batches of stir fry sauce?

Yes, homemade sauce can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 5 days or frozen for 2-3 months. Just thaw and warm through before using. This makes meal prepping easy.

What side dish complements chicken stir fry?

Brown rice is a classic pairing that soaks up all the flavors. Quinoa, couscous or noodles also work well. Simply prepared sides allow the stir fry to shine.

How do I reheat a stored chicken stir fry?

Thaw overnight in the fridge if frozen. Reheat stored portions in the microwave or stovetop, stirring occasionally, until hot and veggies are crisp-tender. Add a splash of water if needed to prevent sticking.


Friends, developing healthy cooking skills has brought me so much joy through the adventures in my kitchen over the years. I hope sharing my low sodium stir fry creation and handy cooking tips provides YOU with tasty meals and good times around the dinner table too. 

While flavoring food deliciously is an art, carving time for nourishment is truly a gift. Wishing YOU many meals filled with laughter and love for all seasons ahead! 

Keep your goals in mind, be creative with what Nature provides, and your health will happily follow. Now go stir up a storm – your crew is waiting!

Leave a comment below if you have any other questions! I’d love to help provide more meal inspiration to help you and your family live your healthiest.



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