An Easy Way to Create a Delicious Low Sodium Stir Fry Sauce Recipe Without Sacrificing Flavor

low sodium stir fry sauce recipe

According to Chef Marin, “A tasty low sodium stir fry sauce can be easily made at home”. 

While a few basic ingredients form the foundation, each one plays an important role in adding layered flavors and health benefits. 

Keep reading to gain a deeper understanding of these staple ingredients and refine your cooking techniques for tasty homemade sauces.

Key Takeaways

A low sodium stir fry sauce recipe uses rice vinegar, garlic, ginger and spices instead of soy sauce to add flavor without the salt. To make the sauce, simply mix the rice vinegar, garlic, ginger and spices like sesame oil and red pepper flakes together in a small bowl.

How to Make a Basic Low Sodium Stir Fry Sauce

Making a simple low-sodium stir fry sauce is an excellent way to add flavor to your meals while limiting extra salt. As an avid home cook for over a decade, I’ll walk you through the basic recipe step-by-step.


  • 1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional for spice)


  1. In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, water, rice vinegar, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, and red pepper flakes (if using). Whisk until the brown sugar is dissolved.
  2. Heat your wok or skillet over high heat. When hot, add your protein and/or veggies of choice and cook, stirring occasionally, until almost tender.
  3. Pour in the prepared sauce and continue cooking while tossing and coating everything until the sauce has thickened slightly, about 1-2 minutes.
  4. Serve immediately over rice or noodles for a quick and easy meal. Store any leftover sauce in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

The secret to this sauce’s umami flavor lies in allowing the naturally fermented soy sauce and vinegar to mingle. By omitting unnecessary sodium and using fresh ginger, this Asian-inspired sauce adds big flavor with minimal ingredients. 

Adjust the amounts to taste or experiment with other additions like sesame oil or chili garlic sauce. With practice, you’ll be whipping up balanced homemade stir fries in no time.

YouTube video

Credit : Chef McNamara

The Benefits of a Homemade Low Sodium Stir Fry Sauce

Creating your own stir fry sauce at home allows for adding more tasty flavors while cutting back on salt and preservatives compared to store-bought versions. There are many good reasons why making this condiment from scratch proves beneficial.

Nutritional Benefits

Homemade sauce is a more nutritious choice as you know exactly what ingredients go into it. By reducing sodium and incorporating nutrient-rich additions, it can boost the dietary profile of any meal.

  • Lower in sodium – Using low-sodium soy sauce can reduce sodium intake by half or more compared to regular soy sauce (1).
  • Fresh, whole ingredients – Ingredients like ginger, garlic and rice vinegar are nutritious additions (2).
  • Avoid added preservatives – Many store-bought varieties contain sulfites and other chemicals.

Flavor Benefits

Nothing beats the fullness of flavors you get when using fresh herbs and seasonings selected to suit your personal tastes. With some experimenting, new varieties of zippy, satisfying flavors can be discovered.

  • Maximum flavor – Fresh herbs and seasonings provide big, complex flavor.
  • Customize to taste – Adjust spice levels and acidity to personal preference.
  • Experiment with new flavors – Add sesame oil, sriracha or other sauces for variety.

Convenience Benefits

Even on busy nights, custom sauce can be prepared for convenience all week long. Keeping a jar in the fridge means a quick, healthy dinner is never far away. Making your own also helps save money compared to storebought.

  • Make ahead batches – The sauce can be made in bulk and stored up to a week.
  • Always on hand – Have sauce ready whenever a quick, healthy stir fry is needed.
  • Save money – It’s far cheaper than repeatedly buying jarred options.

Lifestyle Benefits

Commercial varieties are not always the healthiest option due to added preservatives and seasonings. Taking charge of what goes into home cooking allows creating meals tailored for optimal wellness. The bonus is engaging in an enjoyable creative process of turning a few staple ingredients into something delicious.

  • Control MSG intake – Many commercial sauces contain MSG for flavor and shelf stability.
  • Healthier cooking – Homemade allows oil-free or low-oil cooking methods with plenty of sauce to coat ingredients.
  • Fun way to cook – Experimenting with flavors can be an enjoyable creative process.

The ability to control components and customize flavors makes a homemade low-sodium stir fry sauce a cut above the rest. The combination of better nutrition, taste and lifestyle perks ensures ongoing benefits from this versatile and satisfying condiment.

Tips for Using Low Sodium Stir Fry Sauces

Once you’ve made a batch of tasty homemade stir fry sauce, it’s time to start putting it to use! Here are some simple suggestions for optimizing this versatile condiment.

low sodium stir fry sauce recipe

Storage Tips

  • Refrigerate in an airtight jar for 2-3 weeks (3).
  • Alternatively, freeze in ice cube trays then store cubes in a freezer bag for 3 months.
  • Shake or stir before using either fresh or frozen sauces to redistribute solids.

Cooking Tips

  • Sauté protein and veggies first before adding sauce during last 1-2 minutes of cooking.
  • Toss ingredients gently to prevent splatter when pouring in hot sauce.
  • Simmer for an extra minute or two once coated to allow flavors to blend.

Sauce Application Tips

  • Use sparingly at first, then add more to taste – a little goes a long way!
  • Pass extra sauce at the table for dipping cooked ingredients or rice.
  • Brush sauce onto proteins like chicken or tofu before baking for an Asian twist.

With the right handling and application, a small amount of this concentrated sauce provides big impact to many different dishes. Don’t be afraid to experiment to discover new ways of enhancing flavors – your homemade version grants endless possibilities!


Creating your own low-sodium stir fry sauces is a tasty way to take control of what you eat while enjoying big flavors. Through experimenting, you can discover many new combinations to enjoy this versatile condiment. 

I’ve enjoyed great success making personalized sauces at home over my 10+ years as an avid cook. My favorite tip is to start with less sauce than you think you’ll need – you can always add more later! 

A little of this concentrated sauce goes a long way thanks to the powerhouse flavors from fresh ingredients. Don’t be afraid to get creative in your kitchen as every new sauce you craft brings an opportunity to engage your taste buds. 

With the right techniques, your homemade low-sodium stir fry sauces can become a go-to way to sizzle up quick and satisfying Asian-inspired meals. Bon appétit!

Let me know if you have any other questions! I’d be happy to provide more tips for creating tasty and nutritious homemade stir fry sauces.



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